Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Fading Tracks by: Kristi Holl

This book is about Jeri McKane, a girl who attends a fancy
boarding school on a scholarship. Jeri is already having
second thoughts about going to the boarding school when
her best friend's bus never returns from a field trip.
When Jeri tries to help, she gets yelled at. Though
malicious principals and meddling reporters try to stop
her, she never stops trying to do the right thing. She
eventually discovers that the saying "never judge a book
by its cover" is completely true, and that praying can
solve even your most daunting problems.

Okay, let me start by saying that if you start reading
this book, you MUST finish it, be cause the last 3 chapter bring it all together. Holl's unrealistic characters are
very confusing. They seem to change personalities too
quickly, perhaps to make the story line work out the way
the author intended. One example is the boarding school's
principal, who is mean at the beginning, then half way
through turns nice, seemingly overnight. Also the rest of
the characters are either good or evil, there isn't any
gray area. In the end of the book you find out that
everyone and everything is good except the one 'bad guy',
and that all the problems of the book were just
misunderstandings. I think that at least 1 or 2 of the
problems should have been real, because it would have made
the rest of the book more satisfying.


Reviewer City, State and Country: Exeter, New
Hampshire USA

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