
3 results found for "Why I Let My Hair Grow Out" books

book by Maryrose Wood (view book)
Imagine bicycling around Irlenad with honeymooning Hollywood starlets, a grieving widow and a family with two middle schoolers. Not much opportunity for developing friendships, ot so Morgan thought. Her definitions or firend and boy friend change as more
Genres: Adventure, Fantasy
Ages: 12 and up
by Maryrose Wood
Being sent to your room is one thing. But being sent to another country? Morgan's boyfriend dumped her on the last day of school-it seemed the only thing to do was to hack off her hair and dye the stubble orange. Unfortunately, Morgan's parents more
Genres: Adventure, Fantasy
Ages: 12 and up
book by Laura Amy Schlitz (view book)
Against all my reservations at first, I really enjoyed this book.  It was unique and edgy, in theory, with twists and turns that kept you on pins and needles.  Maud was the perfect main character—though she was a younger protagonist, more
Genres: Historical Fiction
Ages: 8 - 12