
3 results found for "Because I Am Furniture" books

book by Thalia Chaltas (view book)
I am Furniture, by Thalia Chatlas, is a pretty good book with a unique format and full of great description. I enjoyed the poetic form because it added a little bit of reality to the book. The ongoing dilemmas make I am Furniture a definite page more
Genres: Fiction, Sports
Ages: 12 and up
by Thalia Chaltas
Read Thalia Chaltas's posts on the Penguin Blog. Anke’s father is abusive. But not to her. He attacks her brother and sister, but she’s just an invisible witness in a house of horrors, on the brink of disappearing altogether. Until she makes the more
Genres: Fiction, Sports
Ages: 12 and up
book by Mike Mullin (view book)
One word: wow. I was blown away by this book. more
Genres: Adventure, Environment, Fiction, Series
Ages: 12 and up